Red on Marketing Blog

3 Fierce Questions to Ask a B2B Marketing Consultant... Before Hiring

Topics: Performance Fun Lead Generation

Rick Maltin, Rest in Peace (I Miss You)

You know those “boy racers” blasting along on exotic Italian motorbikes, leaning so far into the curves on twisty roads that their knees are skimming just inches above the asphalt?

A Huddle with B2B Sales and Marketing Pros in San Francisco

We were happy to see our partner HubSpot take home an award Nov. 9 at the 2010 Sales & Marketing 2.0 Conference in San Francisco (#sm20). And since they were unable to attend, I got to bask for a moment in their reflected glory, accepting the award on their behalf. HubSpot’s award for Best Alignment of Sales & Marketing deals with a subject dear to my heart: the sales-marketing divide. And, having brought clients to the HubSpot internet marketing platform, it was an honor to stand in for them on the physical platform in San Francisco.

Topics: Performance Lead Generation

B2B Content Marketing: Attack of the Blog Monster

Topics: Performance Fun Lead Generation

Content Marketing: Don’t Let This Happen to You

Topics: Performance Lead Generation Design

Four Secrets to CEO-Managed B2B Marketing Success (Dealbreakers #4)

NOTE: This article is part of the fluff-busting Dealbreakers! series (inspiration: 30 Rock).

Once you have decided that you need some kind of professional at the helm of your marketing effort, you still have to look inside your organization and decide if you want to bring in outside help. This is the classic inside/outside question:

Topics: Performance Design

MarketingSherpa B2B Summit: Statistics, Social Media and the Sale

Topics: Performance Lead Generation

Calling Out the Trash

Why let companies get away with lazy B2B marketing?

Topics: Performance Fun Lead Generation Design

Business Costs Pro: B2B Lead Generation Campaign "Very Valuable in Helping Get Clients"

Topics: Performance Lead Generation Design

Tweet Like a B2B Pro... At a Cocktail Party

Topics: Performance Lead Generation