Red on Marketing Blog

Chart: Cost Per Lead in Inbound Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

inbound marketing consultantYou've heard that the inbound marketing methodology provides higher return on investment than traditional marketing. How does that play out in a specific campaign?

This made-up example involves many assumptions, but helps show the sorts of differences, nonetheless:

Inbound marketing campaign

Traditional marketing campaign

Prepare site as hub for lead generation - 10k

Buy ad space, show space, sponsorships – 50k

Prepare campaign content – 10k

Design, produce ads, booths, materials – 20k

Execute campaign rollout – 5k

Telemarketing to 2,000 contacts – 50k

Inbound leads, months 1-12 - 100

Leads, months 1-6 – 100

Est campaign cost – 25k

Est campaign cost – 120k

Est cost per lead – $250

Est cost per lead - $1200

Questions? Objections? (That this example is a straw man for some reason, perhaps??)

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